Studying Complex Systems @UNIFI
Interested in the physics of complex systems? You can study them in Florence, in the master (laurea magistrale) in Physics and Astronomy
We have a new inter-curricula study plan based on the block of 5 courses:
Statistical mechanics (Meccanica statistica) in which one studies mainly the theoretical aspects of equilibrium statistical mechanics.
Physics of complex systems with applications (Fisica dei sistemi complessi con applicazioni), application of dynamical systems and stochastic processes to many fields in physics, biology, medicine.
Nonequilibrium statistical physics and stochastic processes (Processi stocastici e di non equilibrio), where one can meet nonequilibrium phase transitions, stochastic differential equations, and more.
Dynamical systems and chaos theory (Sistemi dinamici e teoria del caos), where one studies bifurcations, chaos, synchronisation, etc.
Computational physics lab (Laboratorio di fisica computazionale) where problems related to previous courses (and more) are dealt from a computational point of view)
It is strongly suggested of having followed the course Introduction to the Physics of Complex Systems (Introduzione alla fisica dei sistemi complessi) in the bachelor level.
The links to the new courses will be inserted soon, for the moment have a look at
For more information, please contact
Franco Bagnoli (,
Lapo Casetti (,
Duccio Fanelli (,
Francesco Piazza (,
Giuseppe Luca Celardo (